Solving a critical block in the European Clam industry
MITO applies technology, know-how and best-practice to clam farming, boosting the bivalve industry in Europe.
- Aquaculture
- www.mito-blue.it
- Paola Landri
- Gian-Luigi Lago
- Maurizio Varagnolo
- Paola Landri
- Gian-Luigi Lago
- Maurizio Varagnolo
Clams are a protein with one of the lowest-resource intensities globally, and in some cases even a restorative effect on their local environment.
The production of clams in Europe is currently constrained by a shortage of seed, as wild stocks have been depleted and hatchery capacity across Europe is too small to address demand.
MITO, a leader in the breeding and hatching of clams, aims to address these issues, by increasing its production volume of high-quality clam juveniles that will then enable farmers to sustainably increase their production of low-impact and low-carbon protein.
This will displace the farmer’s dependency on wildly sourced stocks, while simultaneously decreasing their mortality in grow-out and protecting the environment within the lagoon and take the pressure off the heavily overfished wild clam populations.
Alongside nutritional benefits, clams are an exceptionally efficient, low impact protein. As filter feeders growing in the sediment of natural lagoons, clams require no feed, fresh water or antibiotics, and almost no physical infrastructure.
MITO’s nurseries, located in the beautiful lagoons of Sacca di Goro in Italy’s Emilia Romagna Region and in Delta Po’ of Veneto Region area, will provide farmers with larger juveniles than currently available, which will decrease mortality in grow-out, thereby further supporting production growth.